20 October 2008

Well Read (Hordeside)

Well, it's been a few days so I feel I can safely post about the new changes without being a complete and utter hypocrite; this post is about something added in patch 3.0.2, however, so if you've yet to see it all and want to keep yourself in the dark about it all read no further!

I must say, my leveling plan for Kazra has been hit incredibly hard by the new patch. With so many achievements to get I've suddenly been focusing all my effort on Miriah, going on long exploration runs and visiting innkeepers across the map to trick or treat in the aim of eventually snagging that Hallow's End title. I've also dabbled in PvP as shadow again too, and I must say I like the changes from a non-PvE perspective. Admittedly I've only seen a small DPS increase that Blizzard are promising to buff higher, but new skills such as Dispersion have really improved my survivability. And the DPS increase is enough to mean I can actually burst people down with Mind Blast and Death. ^^

I'm currently focusing on the Well Read achievement, anyway, and I thought it might be of use to some others attempting it if I listed the locations of things I came across as I went along. This list is mostly aimed at Horde, mind, because level 75 guards have deterred me somewhat from searching the Stormwind library for texts! I may add in Alliance locations once I've finished the achievement as Miriah and take a look around as Sev or Pyre, but we'll see. To the list!


Ironforge - the Awakening of the Dwarves - Southern Barrens, there's a bunker on the eastern side of the Gold Road just north of the Razorfen instances
Lethargy of the Orcs - Northwatch Hold

Aegwynn and the Dragon Hunt
Aftermath of the Second War
Arathor and the Troll Wars
Archimonde's Return and the Fight to Kalimdor
Beyond the Dark Portal
Civil War in the Plaguelands
Icecrown and the Frozen Throne
Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge
The Scourge of Lordaeron
The War of the Ancients
The World Tree and the Emerald Dream
War of the Spider
War of the Three Hammers

Civil War in the Plaguelands - beside the innkeeper

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