My holy set was always a mishmash of whatever drops I'd picked up on offspec rolls in dungeons and raid instances, quite heavy on mp5 because to me it was little more than a regeneration set for when I was grinding primals. I did heal occasionally and everything was gemmed with rares and enchanted with the best around, but I had fallen out of practise and picking up the slack there seemed like a grand idea.
Minor issues occurred.
Firstly, Mp5 isn't that great anymore, and with low spirit I was horribly gimped. I was also utterly broke, so replacing all my Royal Nightseye with Purified Shadow Pearl was not an option. Nevertheless, I had a good big amount of +heal and was decked out in enough epics and hallowed gear to apparently look vaguely convincing, so I leapt straight into heroic Sethekk Halls.
It was easy. I was nervous and obviously lacking experience so a lot of my pre-empted heals caused massive overheal and sometimes I panicked and spammed flash heal, but as the run went on I got used to my tank's mitigation effects and felt I was really getting into the groove. It sold me, and I decided that instead of continuing to save for the Scryer's Blade of Focus I needed for my shadow set, I would snag the Gown of Spiritual Wonder.
I love my new upgrades. I really do. But running around with ungemmed and unenchanted gear makes my inner perfectionist not only cry but beat her head repeatedly against the nearest solid and preferably spiney objects. Yes, my stats are better. But what gear I have isn't as perfect as it should be. I look at my own gear and scoff because hell, that person hasn't made the effort, have they? No gems? No enchants on chest and weaponry? Pfft. That's just plain slacking.
To be honest, I dare say other people who see the empty gem slots think the same. It's harder to respect someone who's a great player but hasn't maxed out what gear they've thus far managed to grab, just like it's harder to respect that damage dealer who just came along in full PvP wellfare epix. Yeah, they must have put in effort to gather that gear together, but they haven't worked to fine-tune their items. It seems sloppy. It doesn't give a good impression like glancing at your halfway-to-Kara-ready tank and noticing they're socketed out with Solid Stars of Elune, sporting Nethercleft Leg Armour and come complete with a mark macro. And hence it's really, really irking me.
As such, if anyone on Scarshield Legion happens to catch sight of a Forsaken priestess in her mouldy healing robes frantically casting smite on elves on the Isle of Dailycraft, a supportive cheer would be very much appreciated. I will have those gems!
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