I've always loved dwarves in WoW, ever since I first levelled up a dwarven warrior on my first server, Thunderhorn, and had her running around in full scarlet plate screaming bloody murder with an accent. There's a certain pleasure in being one of a minority when wandering around Alliance cities - though I love the night elven model when she's not, er, moving much there are so many about that a short, bright faced dwarf really stands out. Our racials are nice too, stoneform especially, and as a dwarf priest I'm enjoying the holy focus of our class-racials. Not that I would ever want to trade in
Miriah's devouring plague, but chastise and desperate prayer are extremely handy whilst levelling up.

Neither racials nor rarity are what decided my race choice. It had much more to do with...
Oh aye. Plaits. Pretty little pinned up plaits. It's odd, I played a gnome before in the form of a pigtailed mage called Melly but I never got vicious attacks of squeeing over how cute she was, yet whenever I pause in my frantic levelling of
Tally here long enough to really notice her hair again my mind is overrun by exclamations of
how adoooorable.
Daigeil thinks this is pretty out of character for me, but I honestly don't care. She makes me very happy, and I see this as a long and beautiful relationship.
Oh, and the other thing? That would be this.

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The Goats are coming! The Goats are coming! Run for your lives!
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